Jul 11, 2013

crazy dog lady

Since Nick told me to not be the crazy lady who posts ONLY pictures of her dog on instagram (Whoops....I kinda do anyways), I figured I would just do a post about my little pup. When Nick gets home every afternoon, this pup turns into the biggest flirt you have ever seen. That tail gets going and she rolls around like she knows how cute she is. Just wanted to share some of the cutest tonight since I haven't made it to bed yet!

She is getting her hair cut on Tuesday. I'm sure there will be pictures of that. I wont let them touch those beautiful ears though!

Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Yay!



Lauren said...

those eyes would get me every time!

Haylee said...

You have every right to post lots of pictures of her. She is PRECIOUS! :)

Claire Voss said...

aww she looks so cuddly! I laughed out loud this morning when I saw this post... 10 minutes before I saw it Jon and I were joking over the phone about me writing posts on our future pup. :)

Molly said...

I am dying over the cuteness! When we first got our puppy I posted pictures every two minutes. I have slightly calmed down, but I still take at least a few snaps a day.

Nicole said...

Those big, sad eyes!!! Melt! Wish I could have met her this week!

Courtney Kassner said...

We can be crazy dog ladies together...it's ok! Rosie is just so adorable. I can't get over her!