Apr 7, 2015

He is risen, indeed!

Easter is my favorite holiday. I love the newness and the tradition of it. I love the food. I love the Easter dresses prancing around after church, the Easter lilies, the pastel colors. It is just so good. As I've grown in my walk with Christ, each year Easter means a little more to me. The sacrifice. The unbearable pain our Savior went through. All for us. 

I saw so many verses put on social media. As lost as this world is, its so refreshing to see so many of my friends acknowledge Easter as Resurrection Sunday. Coronado churches come together each Easter to put out crosses in The Village yards. One side is blank. That stays up for about 2-4 weeks. On Easter morning, we go out as families to turn our crosses around to the other side. The side that says "He is Risen!...And It Is Finished". It really does give you chills when you turn that plastic sign around and dig that stake into the ground. What a statement it was to see those crosses all over our island! I plan to keep mine up on the "He Is Risen!" side until next year when those blank crosses go up again. I can't wait to explain to Carter why we practice this tradition. I'm praying continuously that he will come to know His Lord early on in life and that he joyously will serve Him all the days of his life. 

And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

Luke 24:2-3

He is risen, indeed!

And what would Easter be without some cute bunny pictures

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