Oct 12, 2014

The Mimi Visit

When Carter was almost 3 weeks old, he got a visit from his Mimi! Again, tears and laughs were shared at the airport. I can't imagine having to wait to meet a grand baby, Im sure the plane rides here seemed 10 hours longer than they really were!

We mostly stayed around the house with a little shopping here and there!

We are so ready to get this little boy to Mississippi for a visit. He needs some South in his system. I can't wait for the rest of the family to meet him. 

It was a sweet visit and I got some much needed rest while she was here! He got some good snuggles in from his Mimi that week! Thank you for everything you did for us!!

1 comment:

Martha Kate Stratton said...

Love these pictures, and I second that sweet baby needs some Mississippi in his system! Mainly so I can snuggle him! :)